Prof. Dr. Jale Tosun
Jale Tosun, born in 1980, is Professor of Political Science at the Institute of Political Science (IPW). After studying political and administrative sciences in Konstanz and Pavia, she earned her doctorate at the University of Konstanz on the transformation-related changes in environmental policy in Latin America and Eastern Europe. After working as a Research Fellow at the Mannheim Center for European Social Research, she took up a junior professorship at the IPW in October 2013. Since March 2015 she is Professor of Political Science. Her teaching and research focuses on the comparative analysis of regulation in the fields of environment, energy, climate change and sustainability as well as distribution conflicts within the European Union and the influence of the European Union on regulation in third countries. Jale Tosun is an associate editor of the journal Policy Sciencesand International Review of Public Policy. Her research on climate politics and policy was published in international journals such as Nature Climate Change, Global Environmental Change and WIREs Climate Change.
Prof. Tosun will mainly work on project theme 2. Her research focuses on collective actors at the subnational level (cities and municipalities) and assesses how they perceive climate change and its drivers. This perspective also includes transnational city or regional networks on climate change governance. She will also examine the question of how political and administrative elites seek to bring about behavioral changes.
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