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News & Outreach

Climate Action Science at COP 27

In November 2022, Climate Action Science members participated in the COP 27 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Among other activities, Max Jungmann facilitated a workshop on the potential of high-resolution GHG emissions information and gave several TV, radio, and newspaper interviews. You will find a selection of the media coverage below:


Keynote and Workshop at Governance Academy

On the 21st of September 2022, Climate Action Science member Max Jungmann delivered a keynote and a subsequent workshop on current trends in climate action and potential future scenarios regarding international climate governance at the first Governance Academy. More than 30 participants from 21 countries came together in Gazzada Schianno, Italy, to discuss change, resilience, and possibilities for achieving impact in challenging times. Participants were members of the BoschAlumniNetwork as well as of the KreisauInitiative and went back home with a strong dose of inspiration and cherished memories.


Online Workshop at Climate Week New York

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On the 21st of September 2022, Climate Action Science member Max Jungmann facilitated an interactive online workshop on the future of climate action at Climate Week New York. Participants from all over the world learned about current trends in climate science and the potential of strategic foresight to improve our understanding of potential future pathways regarding international climate action, as well as developing better strategies to act today.

Webinar: Informational Governance and Climate Action

As the information revolution continues, climate change must remain high on public and political agendas around the world. Information plays a crucial role in dealing with climate change and thereby empowering governments and citizens to take action. As a result, the analytical concept of informational governance is gaining increasing importance as it has the potential to explain societal changes appearing in the Information age, resulting from new patterns of information flows.

On the 20th of September, we, therefore, organized a webinar with the journal Springer Climate Action to identify the emerging issues in this new interdisciplinary field, with a particular focus on climate action science. This webinar brought together different interdisciplinary scholars who are interested in exploring how information is changing the way society is engaging with climate change.


Climate Action Science Workshop at K3 in Zurich

On 14 September, Climate Action Science team members facilitated an interactive workshop on the knowledge-action gap and the potential of high-resolution greenhouse gas emissions data at the renowned K3 conference on climate change communication in Zurich.

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Scenario Workshop: The Future of Climate Action


In June 2022, Climate Action Science member, Dr. Max Jungmann facilitated an interactive scenario workshop on "The Future of Climate Action" at the Hasso Plattner Institute in New York City. The workshop was organized by the German Center for Research and Innovation, HPI and Heidelberg University Association New York. Participants used innovative techniques to develop potential future pathways for climate action until the year 2045.  



Session on Climate Action at Geneva Health Forum


In May 2022, Climate Action Science member, Dr. Max Jungmann, moderated a session on “the impact of climate change on health: what is the scale of the problem and what action to take” at the Geneva Health Forum. Panelists included Dr. Maria Neira, Director of the Department of Public Health, Environment and Social Determinants of Health at the World Health Organization, Prof. Dr. Gueladio Cissé from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, and other distinguished speakers.


New Paper: Zooming-in for climate action—hyperlocal greenhouse gas data for mitigation action?

Members of the Climate Action Science project have published a new paper on the potential of high-resolution greenhouse gas data. They discuss whether a window of opportunity for more effective climate action is emerging due to the convergence of new scientific and technological opportunities to provide high-resolution information on GHG emissions and emerging polycentric governance forms.

Joint online workshop with researchers from California and Heidelberg

On 2 February 2021, we hosted our first international online workshop of the Climate Action Science project with participants from the US and Germany. The workshop will included a welcome note by Mary Nichols, former Chair of the California Air Resources Board, keynote speeches by leading scientists in the field of climate action science, networking elements, and a brief co-creation section to develop the foundation for future joint initiatives.

TED talk on Climate Change Activism

Watch this TED talk by our team member, Prof. Timo Goeschl to get a glimpse into our research:

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