Jun.- Prof. Dr. Kathrin Ackermann
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Kathrin Ackermann, born in 1986, is Assistant Professor for Empirical-Analytical Participation Research at Heidelberg University’s Institute for Political Science (IPW). She studied political and administrative science at the Universities of Konstanz and Leiden and subsequently received her Ph.D. from the Institute of Political Science at the University of Bern. Afterwards, she was a fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR) of the Universiteit van Amsterdam and a postdoctoral researcher at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. Her research and teaching focus is on comparative political behavior and public opinion research as well as quantitative methods. In the Climate Action Science project, she is primarily dedicated to citizens’ attitudes towards climate change and sustainability and the link between individual attitudes and behavior.
Get in touch with Prof. Dr. Ackermann:
+49 (0) 6221 54 2871